Title The Analysis of Conjoint Renewal Program and the Proposals of System Improvement - A Case Study of Imun 3 Renewal District -
Authors Park Byung-Wook ; Yang Woo-Hyun
Page pp.179-188
ISSN 12269093
Keywords CRP ; Urban Renewal ; Urban Structure ; Incentive ; FAR ; Up-zoning ; Urban Infrastructure
Abstract This study is to suggest the improvement ways of predicted problems in the case of Conjoint Regeneration Program(CRP) considering the fundamental purpose of the urban plan. The method of the study as the case study is performed that investigate literatures related to the law, system, theories and have an interview with experts. There are three problems predicted from an analyzed case. First problem is the rapidly up-zoning of the land use without the consideration of urban environment and second problem is the overlap application of incentive system that gives the floor area ratio without the consideration of the urban infrastructure capacity and third problem is the method estimated urban infrastructure capacity when it is high density development. After these problems are evaluated based on the fundamental purpose of the urban plan, it is suggested the ways in order to improve CRP. The suggested ways are follows. First, it is the restriction of the overlap application of the incentive system that give floor area ratio. Sencond, uncertain standards and sentences of the system should be modified. Third, it is the introduction of new method that the estimates urban infrastructure capacity not considering the developmental area but considering the developmental density for future urban environment. Finally, it has to diversify incentive system such as parking system, mortgage ratio of tax, various tax favors etc and apply suitably incentive system considering the urban conditions.