Title A Study on the Classification of Housing Based on the Coordination among Regulations
Authors Park, Ki-Bum
Page pp.137-144
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Housing ; Classification of Building Use ; Regulation ; Coordination
Abstract The urban housing is under the influence of many factors including politics, economy, society, culture, and more. For that, there must be coordination among regulations on the housing policy, architecture, tax system, many other possible factors. The classification of housing has been extensively used for many regulations; meanwhile, it has also created problems breaking interlink with other related regulations, causing incoordination among other related regulations, and disharmonizing with other related regulations. The purpose of this study is to discover current problems of the housing classification due to the interconnection of the regulations and to introduce practical solutions. As the result of the survey directs, the housing classification, which is developed to ease the housing shortage, has confused the housing industry, public officials, and supreme court judge. The results of analysis are as follows; First, the housing classification must coordinate with the tax system and other many regulations. Second, the problematic housing classification should be revised according to the definition of housing which is clearly stated in the Housing Act. Third, the new type of housing should be introduced appropriately to the regulation. Fourth, the coordination among the regulations related on the housing classification is crucial to influence and to design good urban architecture and high-quality housing.