Title Representation of 'Modern Housing' Exhibited at Home Exposition of Keiyo(京城) in 1915
Authors Kim, Myung-Sun
Page pp.155-164
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Home Exposition ; Modernized Housing ; Representation ; Housing Improvement
Abstract There was a ‘Home Exposition’ of Keiyo(京城) in autumn 1915 under the rule of Japanese Imperialism. Main showpiece of it was housing interior models and most of them was taken from a ‘Home Exposition’ of Tokyo(東京) in spring 1915, which was planned to show ideal housing for Japanese middle class to Japanese people. Only one housing interior model of the Home Exposition at Keiyo(京城) was new describing a traditional housing interior for Korean high class and it was intended to contrast with the Japanese middle class housing interior models. For the Home Exposition there were many amusement events and many press news that accelerated viewing of it. Especially the press news praised that the exhibition method using housing interior model with figures playing Japanese middle class's life style was easy for Koreans to learn Japanese housing and living style, and also encouraged for Koreans to improve traditional housing following the Japanese middle class. Through the Home Exposition, Japanese middle class life and housing were set up as a target for Koreans to change traditional Korean Housing, and the exhibited housing interior model became to represent a ‘modernized housing’.