Title Improvement Priority of Personal Competency of Construction Manager by Position for Successful Construction Management
Authors Lee, Hyoung-Lak ; YuJung-Ho
Page pp.91-98
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Manger ; Competency ; Competency Model ; Improvement Priority
Abstract Construction project manager's personal competency is required to implement a effective and efficient construction project for the successful construction project. Since, it depends on a role and responsibility by a position, the level of personal competency may different to be required. Thus, to comprehend the level of competency is important. At the same time, it is able to draw out what competency is not enough, through understanding the level of personal competency. To improve all personal competencies is required to devote resources, but it is impossible because of limited them. Therefore, it is important how choose more important competency for improvement. This paper drew the improvement priority of construction project manager's personal competency which has different, through analysis the level of required and possessing competency. For their proper priorities determination, priority index was suggested and compared with other index.