Title A Study on Integrating Sustainability into Architectural Education Curriculum in Korea
Authors Lee Kyung-Sun ; Geon Kyung-Rim ; Yoo Daun
Page pp.127-138
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Sustainability ; Architectural Education ; Curriculum ; Korea
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to determine the extent to which sustainability is integrated into architecture education in Korean universities. For the research methodology, thirty six Korean architecture schools including thirty KAAB(Korea Architectural Accrediting Board certified) architectural schools were selected and online surveys were conducted to professors. The university curriculums are also analysed based on APR report from KAAB and online data from universities. This study result shows that the followings are necessary, i.e. the improvement of educators' professional knowledge and experience, the revision of architectural education curriculum such as integrating sustainability lecture and design studios, the enhancement on the area of professional practices, the recognition of the importance of sustainability by the schools and students, and the support on education materials, simulation softwares and facilities.