Title A Study on 'Complex Apartment in Marketplace' in Daegu, 1970-80's
Authors Kwon Sun-Young ; Cho Jae-Mo
Page pp.157-168
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment ; Marketplace ; 1970-80's ; Daegu ; Modernization of Traditional Market
Abstract This study aim to record historical meanings of ‘complex apartment in Marketplace’ which was built in 1970-80's in Daegu, by focusing on the phenomenon of the emergence, development and ranging from the destruction process. A complex apartment in Marketplace in 1970-80's is valuable to study as the residential type which had built to figure out urban problem and we can find out how trying to solve the problem as the type of construction for housing at that time a variety of architectural concerns and solutions in the way. Also it is an important case in local modern housing history 'traditional 2-story structure for commerce' leading into 'Apartment with lower-floor stores', while in line with regional trends and features that reflect the progress achieved independent housing types.