Title Correction Methods and Control Strategy to Minimize the Prediction Error of Solar Profile in Blind Control
Authors Seong Yoon-Bok ; Yeo Myoung-Souk ; Kim Kwang-Woo
Page pp.241-252
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Blind Control ; Glare ; Solar Profile ; Surface Orientation ; Error Correction
Abstract The objective of this study is to deduce correction methods and control strategy that minimize solar profile prediction error to prevent glare caused by direct sunlight inlet. During the process of solar profile prediction, the major factors causing the errors are surface orientation and time. And because of this prediction error, the direct glare by the sunlight inlet may occur in blind control. In order to identify the accurate surface orientation based True North, correction methods utilizing a 3D measuring instrument and a protractor were suggested and verified through the field experiment. For solving the problems by the potential time errors, control strategy was proposed to divide the control sections using the calibrated control curve and this strategy was verified through the simulation. The proposed correction methods and control strategy in this research could prevent the direct glare all the time. And also these methods could maximize daylight and solar heat gain, because the blocked area on windows could be minimized.