Title Improvement of Information Collection System in Design and Construction Phases for Efficient Facility Management
Authors Lee Seul-Ki ; Yu Jung-Ho ; An Hyo-Kyeong
Page pp.33-42
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Facility Management ; Building Information Model(BIM) ; Construction Operation Building Information Exchange(COBIE)
Abstract Information management in consider of facility management from design and construction phase should be concerned for efficient facility management. Also A lot of effort for development of technology which is practically implemented should be required. As a first step in these effort, this paper derived problems of domestic information collect system for FM by benchmarking COBIE (Construction Operation Building Exchange) which is applied to industry recently as information collect system for facility management. Issues and implications is derived in terms of (1) legal assistance (2) information generation, (3) information collection and transfer, (4) information utilization. And the direction of improvement are proposed (1) legal, institutional and system aspect and (2) technical aspect. In future research, each of the proposed direction of improvement should be concretely develop and refine.