Title A Study on the Stadtumbau in Berlin as Concept for Sustainable Conversion
Authors Yoo Soon-Seon ; Park Cheol-Soo
Page pp.79-86
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Regeneration ; Berlin Stadtumbau ; Substainable Conversion ; Neighborhood Regeneration
Abstract Since 2002 "Stadtumbau Ost" in the former East Berlin and since 2005 "Stadtumbau West" in the former West Berlin were performed as Urban Regeneration program for demographic change in Berlin. The purpose of this study is to deduce urban regeneration characteristics of "Stadtumbau in Berlin" by concept of Sustainable Conversion. For the purpose of this study, structuring mechanisms of Berlin was reviewed. The analysis is done through monitoring indicator of "Stadtumbau in Berlin" as aspects of population, housing demand, social infrastructure, public space and local economic system. And it is based on 7 "Stadtumbau Ost" and 6 "Stadtumbau West" for case study. And Stadtumbau divided 3 areas for typology, Firstly, in Old city area, Secondly, In Large housing estate, Thirdly, idle industrial area. The results of this study are expected to serve some clues for the future direction of Sustainable Conversion in Korea.