Title Review Structural Safety and Propose Appropriate Sectional Size for New Traditional Korean-Style House
Authors Kim Yeong-Min ; Kim Jang-Hee ; Lee Seul-Gi
Page pp.37-44
ISSN 12269107
Keywords New Traditional Korean-style House ; Structural Analysis ; Appropriate Sectional Size
Abstract In this paper, we reviewed structural safety of the real-built new traditional Korean-style house and proposed appropriate section for the main structural members. The mechanical properties of wood depends on the terms and conditions of the environment, so we applied correction factors in obtaining design allowable stress. The structural safety was checked by investigating allowable stress ratio, that is, the ratio of actual stress to the design allowable stress. As the results of the strength check, the stress ratio for the columns are about 48~50%, and for flexural members such as purlin and beam are about 49~66% level. For the serviceability review, the defection of the main flexural members were about 25~64% level compared to the allowable deflection. We proposed appropriate sectional size for the main structural members still satisfying safety and serviceability criteria reflecting structural characteristics such as steel connection and needs to expanding supply. Here, the referenced stress ratio for the strength check was set to 80% level considering possible error and imperfection. As a results, the cross-sectional size can be reduced up to about 20~30% for columns and 20~50% for flexural members.