Title A Study of Design Guidelines for the Application of Double-skin Facade on Apartment Living Room Area Expansion to Balcony
Authors Won, Hyun-Seong ; OhSe-Gyu
Page pp.11-19
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Double-Skin Facade ; Apartment ; Balcony Expansion ; Design Guideline
Abstract The bond of sympathy for energy saving has been long since formed in worldwide, but preparing practical measures for energy saving, especially countermeasures in construction field, is urgent, taking account of the current situation of country’s high reliance on foreign countries in energy consumption. This study is for an alternative plan to minimize indoor energy loss that can happen when a balcony area, faced to the south of living room integrated with kitchen area, is remodeled and expanded to livingroom area according to the residents’ requests to expand exclusive space; and looking for the way of optimization for the application of double-skin facade on the south windows and doors in livingroom. Especially, the objectives of this study are to select the elements of double-skin facade in construction planning prospect, which need to be considered in the initial design stage, and to propose design guidelines for the each element of double-skin facade that can be optimized to reduce energy load in indoor space according to the selection.