Title Evaluation on Barrier-free Space at Daegu Municipal Libraries for the Physically Disabled
Authors Seo, Hee-Sook
Page pp.75-84
ISSN 12269093
Keywords The Physically Disabled ; The Municipal Library ; Barrier-free Space ; Convenient Facilities ; Movements
Abstract This study aims to evaluate the barrier-free degree of a library, an information services institution which provides intellectual satisfaction to the disabled with restriction on movement. Thus, it intends to provide basic data to a plan for a new space to build or supplement convenient facilities of a library to be utilized as a place for information use and cultural activities by the disabled as equally as the non-disabled. Analysis was made on 8 municipal libraries in Daegu which had been built prior to implementation of the Convenience Improvement Assurance Act by classifying inside, outside facilities and others based on such items as compliance with facilities installation standard availability for a rehabilitation aids user to move to a reference room, reading room, lounge, cafeteria, and a room for the disabled reception counter, carrel and the disabled’ room of a reference room with 2 points allotment. The evaluation result was as follows; 1.53 points for adequate facilities installation; 1.5 points for availability to move; 0.88 points for reception counter and carrel; 1.63 points for the disabled’ room; and, average evaluation point for all the subjects was 1.35. It was discovered that following items were insufficient indication of guidance/lead, handle, non-slip of outside stairs, slope of inside ramp, height of elevator manipulator, size of counter for wheelchair users, preparation of carrel. Accordingly, it would be necessary to observe the installation standards of convenient facilities, to install an elevator for free movement, to separate the desk for search information and carrel, to furnish a reference room with them.