Title A Study on the Spacial Change of Remodeling Hospitals with Analysis of Units' Function
Authors Kim, Sang-Bok ; YangNae-Won
Page pp.105-112
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Hospital Architecture ; Remodeling ; Spacial Change ; Functional Change
Abstract Hospital remodeling aims at the recent standard, and it changes the whole space of hospital. This spatial change includes a change of medical environment including a medical center, not being limited to the increase of area. But for the existing department classification method, it is difficult to see the internal change of medical environment in detail, since it compares and analyzes only with the unit area of department and division. For that reason, a new method to analyze the detailed changes is needed. This study aims to seek for ways of functional changes of remodeled hospital and to check the validity of introducing a new medical environment. For achieving this purpose, this study designed a functional analysis method to subdivide the whole space of hospital, divisions and departments into unit spaces(individual rooms). Using this analysis method, spatial changes before and after hospital remodeling were observed. In conclusion, it was found that after hospital remodeling, a variety of assistance spaces changed along with inspection/treatment functions and also, several functions(inspection/treatment, supply, management and so on) were dispersed into other sectors.