Title Understanding of Korean-Americans on Korean Traditional Architecture - Focused on Residents in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania -
Authors Lee, Dong-Hee
Page pp.187-194
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Korean-American ; Korean Traditional Architecture ; Understanding ; The US ; New York ; New Jersey ; Pennsylvania
Abstract The study analyzed the understanding level of Korean-Americans about Korean traditional architecture, as one of the preparation stages which eventually aims at promotion of its excellence overseas. Respondents were consisted of one hundred thirty Korean-Americans who reside in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the US. The questionnaire was consisted of three areas about Korean traditional architecture such as understanding level, competitiveness, and promotion ways in the US, as well as the general characteristics of the respondents. The main results were as follows; 1. Percentage of respondents who named more than 10 traditional architecture among 15 was over 40, which implies that most Korean-Americans have considerable amount of information on Korean traditional architecture. 2. Sungnyemun gate, Bulguksa temple and Gyeongbokgung palace were chosen as the representative traditional architecture for Korea. Also, Bulguksa temple, Haeinsa temple, Pusoksa temple, Changdeokgung palace, Gyeongbokgung palace and Hwaseong fortress were selected as places that the respondents want to visit the most. 3. The level to understand traditional architecture was shown very high in case of respondents who have high-educational backgrounds and professional job. 4. Among the several traditional architectural types, the palace was chosen as the most beautiful architecture. Also, the roof was chosen as the most beautiful part of a structure. 5. About a half of the respondents in the present survey had no experience to contact any information on the Korean traditional architecture in the US. 6. Television and newspaper were strongly recommended as the best medias for promotion of traditional architecture.