Title A Suggestion for an Improved Operational Scheme through a Comparison Study on the National Green Building Certification Criteria
Authors Kim, Hak-Kun ; Kim, Jung-Min ; Lee, Yeo-Kyung ; Lee, Jung-Hyung
Page pp.255-264
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Green Building Certification Criteria ; Operating System ; Supporting System ; LEED ; BREEAM ; CASBEE ; Green Star
Abstract The goal of this study is to suggest an improved Green Building Certification Criteria(GBCC) operational system in Korea. The scope of the study covers the identification of the GBCC operational status of five leading countries, Korea, U.S, England, Australia, and Japan, in the construction of green buildings. The analyses were mainly classified into two folds, GBCC operation system and GBCC supporting system. For the GBCC operation system, a new integrated GBCC operation structure, which includes certificating, reviewing, and upgrading processes, is suggested in lieu of the exiting plural operation structure. The current both preliminary and final review should be combined an unified organization. An online GBCC processing is recommended to save money, time, and space. For GBCC supporting system, GBCC educational programs should be developed in separate and sequential levels. Professional qualification program and its public relation are also mandatory subjects for the globalization of the GBCC. Further studies, the possibility and necessity of their integrated performances would be proceeded as well as the extension of the certification institution work.