Title Study of the Variety Tests of the Condensation for Windows at the Residential Building
Authors Jang, Duk-Bae ; HongGoo-Pyo
Page pp.283-290
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Window ; Condensation ; TDR(Temperature Difference Ratio) ; Condensation Resistance
Abstract Condensation has been a persistent and often misunderstood problem associated with windows. The purpose of this study was to analyze the tests about the condensation resistance for windows. We tested the condensation by Computer Simulation (WINDOW & THERM), Mock-up Test and Field Test. First, We conducted the simulation as pre-analysis. Second, We did Mock-up Test in the official approval laboratory, and last we made same condition in the residential building and measured the window surface's temperatures. TDR values were calculated by measured temperatures and We observed the condensation of windows. It is possible that we could use three methods(Simulation, Mock-up Test and Field Test) to analyze the condensation resistance. Analyzing the condensation resistance result from the Field Test, we can verify the level of air tightness and quality of construction finish and also possible to improve it.