Title A Study on the Efficiency Analysis of Tall Building’s Office Space - Focusing to the Development of Quantitative Analysis Algorithm -
Authors Choi, Min-Young ; ShimJae-Hyun
Page pp.107-114
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Office Building ; Floor Type ; Space Efficiency Program ; Relative Space Ratio
Abstract The main objective of office building planning is to pursue the maximum productivity within a given space. However, the evaluation method of the building’s space usability, which can be referred as ‘efficiency’, has not been improved from the Leasable Space Ratio, simple mathematic numbers from the area calculation of the floor and the core. Initially, this research has started to investigate various tall building masses and their mutual comparative aspects. Inseparable relationship between the building mass and its internal space establishes the key foundation to develop a quantitative analysis method. There has been a preceding research on the same subject as a preliminary study. It is focused on the validity of the efficiency space planning in tall building with their various mass space. Furthermore this research is focused on developing the analysis algorithm and testing the prototype computing program with actual case studies.