Title A Study on the Transfer of Hanok's Ownership and Changes of Owner's Recognition since the Bukchon Regeneration Project
Authors Lee, Kyung-Ah
Page pp.185-192
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Bukchon Regeneration Project ; Seoul ; Bukchon ; Hanok ; Ownership ; Owner's Recognition
Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine transfer of Bukchon hanok's ownership and changes of building use and hanok owner's recognition in the past ten years of Bukchon Regeneration Project of Seoul. The results are listed below. Changes in ownership occurred rapidly in the early stage of the project, but have stabilized since the middle stage. The average age of hanok owners has been on the gradual decrease and the building uses have diversified. We are at the turing point of the project and should devise proper measures to maintain identity of Bukchon as well as vitality and supplement customized policies to enhance old and new hanok user's life at the same time and foster them haman resources of Bukchon Regeneration Project.