Title Seismic Performance Evaluation of Seismic Resistant Access Floor for IT Facility Equipment
Authors Hwang, Kee-Tae ; Chang, Kug-Kwan ; Seo, Dae-Won
Page pp.11-18
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Access Floor ; Seismic Resistant ; Telecommunication Facilities ; Shake Table Test
Abstract Access floor is finding increasing use in industrial and commercial facilities such as data processing centers and high technology production. Due to the relatively recent use of access floors, there is little data available on the performance of these structural systems when subjected to strong ground shaking. However, building code in the Korea did not address the seismic design of raised access floors until recently. Most existing floors have been installed without proper consideration for seismic performance. This paper discuss the evaluation methods of seismic performance of access floor system for equipment used in telecommunication facilities, electric power facilities and other applications. Also, this paper presented the test and evaluate the lateral load carrying ability of existing raised access floors and seismically strengthening access floor systems. The tested access floor system was assembled by 5×5 panels with pedestal-stringer frame structure, supporting a simulated equipment with varies weight, the size of the panel is 600×600mm, the height of the pedestal is 600mm. The test results showed that specially designed seismic resistant access floor system can be used to reduce earthquake vulnerability.