Title Use of Silicious Limestone By-product from Raw Meal Grinding of Cement as Coarse Aggregate for Concrete
Authors Han, Cheon-Goo ; KangChang-Woon
Page pp.133-140
ISSN 12269107
Keywords HighSilicious Limestone Gravel(HSG) ; Grinding Mill Alkali-aggregate
Abstract In this paper, the physical, chemical and mineral properties of High Silicious Limestone Gravel(HSG), which is a by-product from cement production process, was investigated experimentally to explore the possibility for the use HSG as coarse aggregate for concrete. The size of HSG was in the range of 5 ㎜ to 20 ㎜. It was found that HSG had higher density and abrasion resistance than other ordinary concrete aggregates made of granite, basalt and andesite and it was proved to be stable to alkali-silica reaction. The main constituents of HSG were SiO2 and CaO, and SiO2 content of HSG was higher than ordinary limestone used for cement production, while it was lower than granite stone. The content of CaO of HSG was higher than that of granite stone but lower than that of lime stone. All the result of analyses and tests of HSG gave satisfactory results for using it as concrete aggregate, so it could be utilized as concrete aggregate.