Title The Effective Process of Tower Crane Lifting & Material Management Using Smart-Phone
Authors Lee, Jeong-Ho ; KimYoung-Suk
Page pp.141-150
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Tower-Crane ; Lifting ; Material Management ; Smart-phone
Abstract In recent years, construction project is bigger and higher to improve space efficiency. The effective material lifting operation using Tower Crane(T/C) is one of the important factors in order to improve construction productivity. The present material lifting operation planning generally depends on the experience of construction manager. Furthermore, the material lifting operation planning is not performed systematically because of the following problems;1) finding location of scattered materials is difficult, 2) communication is confused between flagman and T/C operator, 3) lifting operation data has not been not used for planning of material lifting operation. Therefore, this paper suggests a process for the effective material lifting planning and operation using smart phone. It is expected that the effective use of suggested process contributes to improve the efficiency of lifting operation and material management and the project productivity.