Title An Experimental Study for Development of Modified Fluorine Urethane Acrylate Waterproofing and Corrosion Proofing Materials has Ozone Resistance for Advanced Water Treatment System
Authors Noh Sang-Kyun ; Kim Sung-Rea ; Shin Hong-Chol ; Kim Young-Geun
Page pp.87-94
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Advanced Water Treatment System ; Ozone Resistance ; Modified Fluorine Urethane Acrylate ; Waterproofing and Corrosion Proofing Materials
Abstract In this study, as a basic study for developing water proof and anti-corrosive materials that can secure durability regarding ozone environment, summary of its result is as following. As the result of observation of surface before and after ozone treatment, in case of epoxy, urea, urethane and hybrid, which are existing waterproof and anti-corrosive materials, cracks by multiple gaps and splits on the surface were generated while in case of fluorine degeneration urethane acrylate, which is ozone-resistance, waterproof and anti-corrosive material, excellent result was appeared as the surface was relatively smooth. Reduction quantity of mass before and after ozone treatment was about 10% in case of epoxy, urea, urethane and hybrid, which are existing waterproof and anti-corrosive materials, as well as fluorine degeneration urethane acrylate, which is ozone-resistance, waterproof and anti-corrosive material. Therefore, it is believed that it can be utilized as excellent ozone-resistance, waterproof and anti-corrosive material in the future if its disadvantage is supplemented and corrected through additional researches on prevention of changes of color and for securing economic feasibility.