Title An Experimental Study on the Development of White Cement by using High Whiteness Index in Slag
Authors Kim Gyu-Yong ; Cho Do-Young ; Shin Kyoung-Su
Page pp.103-110
ISSN 12269107
Keywords White Portland Cement ; Blast Furnace Slag ; Blended Cement ; Whiteness ; Activity Factor
Abstract There are many studies about reducing CO2 emission by using large amount of by-product pozzolans such as Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBHS). In Korea, however, the economic feasibility of using GGBFS is not satisfied due to the cheap price of Portland cement. Since some GGBFS produced in Korea contains white color depending on producing district, blended cement using such GGBFS can lead to production of white blended cement. In this research, the possibility of blended cement by using white GGBFS to replace the existing white cement is investigated. According to the results, certain mix proportions with lower GGBFS content (52-55%) were found to meet the KS standard. However, some mix proportions above 60% GGBFS was slightly below the required KS standard. In case of pulverization process, the premixed blended white cement appeared that it couldn't meet the target compressive strength and whiteness index. Further research is necessary to develop proper procedure and guideline for production of blended white cement.