Title A Study on Reorganization of Rescue Team by Using Analysis of Accessibility on Fire Station Area in Daegu City
Authors Jung Gyu-Dong ; Hong Won-Hwa ; Choi Jun-Ho ; Kim Gwang-Seob ; Lee Ji-Soo
Page pp.277-286
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Accessibility Analysis ; Fire Station Area ; Rescue Team ; Network Analysis ; Reorganization Strategy
Abstract In a fire situation, the priority is fast and safe rescue. Therefore, because of the importance of the role of rescue team, specify the criteria of equipments as act. But it can’t be helped appear vulnerable area according to the problems such as province fiscal conditions and budget. in this study suggest improvement considering the characteristics of the actual road and emergency vehicles through accessibility analysis. In the process of vulnerable area deduction, the area of service area is wider, the larger number of vulnerable buildings. And analyze that especially approximately 77% of the entire are vulnerable buildings. Jung-gu, Daegu, the center of the approach is only 3% of vulnerable buildings, but as a whole of Daegu, Within 5 minutes from the rescue team are difficult to access the building by about 30 percent. In order to improve it, Station of jurisdiction that need to be adjusted or additional installations proposed regional strategy for the reorganization. According to the proposed strategy to evaluate the improvement, vulnerable about the whole building from 140,000 to 70,000 could be reduced by half. Alternative to reduce the vulnerability of buildings according to the percentage reduction in overall approximately 30-16% can be reduced. If use the result of study, it will be able to set priorities of expansion of rescue team, and utilized to predict macroscopic vulnerable area in Daegu city.