Title A Study on the Housing Cost Alleviation of Permanent Rental Housing with the Use of Renewable Energy Generation Business
Authors Yang, Jung-Pil
Page pp.65-72
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Permanent Rental House ; Housing Cost ; Renewable Energy Generation Business
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the housing cost alleviation methods of permanent rental housing with the use of renewable energy generaion business. The residents of permanent rental housing are suffered from high housing cost ratio. So it needs to alleviate housing cost for housing welfare of the residents. The results of this study were as follows; First, among the housing cost elements, it is proper to reduce rental cost. Second, photovoltaic is suitable for appling renewable energy generation business on the roof of house. Third, photovoltaic power generation business is profitable in the present institutional condition. The range of 'rental cost - zero' is about 3 households per house line in the block.