Title A Study on Apartment Residents’ Space Use Behavior Responding to Layouts of Outdoor Living Space
Authors Jang, Dong-Hyun ; ParkSoo-Been
Page pp.105-114
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Types of Outdoor Space Layout ; Configuration ; Assemblage ; Space Use ; Residents’ Needs
Abstract The outdoor space in the apartment complexes is a place where residents actively accommodate their daily living and experience the community. This study aims to investigate the planning factors of outdoor spaces in apartment complex which encourage the residents’ interaction. According to the results of literature review, the outdoor spaces of apartment complexes are classified into four types based on two major design factors, connectivity and collectivity: ‘dispersed,’ ‘collective,’ ‘connected,’ and ‘connected-collective.’ The survey research was conducted on the residents’ attitudes and uses of outdoor space in four representative apartments complexes in Busan where the study was undertaken. The results are as follows. 1) The frequency of use was higher in the collective type while the collective type the connected-collective type showed higher frequency and time of use. 2) The subjects of the connected and the connected-collective type felt that the space was located in proximity to the access path and was more noticeable. 3) The subjects in four different apartments shared common needs for layout of outdoor spaces such as nearness and center-clustering, even though their needs for facilities are affected and differed by the types.