Title An Analysis of the Planning Guideline of Space Size for Public Library
Authors Ko, Hung-Kwon ; Lim, Che-Zinn ; Lim, Ho-Kyun
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Public Library ; Planning Guideline of Space Size
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the planning guideline of space size for public library according to the total floor area and regional location of library. The 49 cases were chosen from the data of libraries built after the year 2000. The 4 main areas, such as reference area, cultural area, management area, and public area were categorized for the analysis. The results of this study were as follows; The first, the percentage of space size of reference area increased gradually and the percentage of public area decreased gradually as total floor area increasing. The second, the percentage of space size of cultural area gradually increased in the cases of the big cities to the rural towns. The third, in case of small libraries under 1,500㎡, libraries in the big cities showed more than 47% of reference area while libraries in the rural towns showed average percentage scores. The fourth, in case of libraries more than 5,000㎡, the percentage of space size of management area were high only in case of libraries in the medium-sized cities. The fifth, in case of libraries from 1,500㎡ to 2,500㎡, the percentage of space size of cultural area were high in the cases of the medium-sized cities and the rural towns except the big cities. The average percentage of the all case were 38.2% of reference area, 17.4% of cultural area, 9.4% of management area, and 35.0% of public area.