Title A Study on the Contents of Architectural Education Advocated by Le Corbusier
Authors Lee, Kwan-Seok
Page pp.225-236
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Le Corbusier ; Architectural Education
Abstract This paper considers the contents of architectural education advocated through books and lectures written and given by Le Corbusier who has refused incessant demands of young students of architecture to give them instructions. His principal objects of architectural education can be classified broadly into four groups. First, even though he scolded imprudent reception of the past without the spirits of the times, he emphasized the importance of tradition, aboriginality and folk culture. Second, he laid stress on the site where architecture was generating, paid keen attention to the spatiality and circulation in architecture. And he valued much of the study on housing as a base of architectural research. Third, he maintained that we should apply merits that technology can afford to architecture through the study on dynamics, materials, prevention of noise, insulation, expansion and air-conditioning. Although he failed several times due to technological problems that he could not solve by himself, he never hesitated to apply technology to his works. Fourth, paying attentions to the physical and spiritual characteristics of architecture and thinking that real image of architecture would be determined by spiritual values that come from special state of conscience and by technical elements that could realize ideas physically, he searched well balanced architecture built by matter but controlled by spirit.