Title A Study on Nampyeong Moon’s Bonli Habitation as a Modern Clan Village
Authors Kim, Eun-Jeong ; ChoJae-Mo
Page pp.247-254
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Clan Village ; Modern Age ; Nampyeong Moon's Family ; Bonli Habitation ; Inheung Maeul
Abstract This study started with the intention to understand architectural features of Nampyeong Moon’s Bonli Village which was a clan village built in the modern era. With the opening of the modern age, an architectural norm unique to the clan village, a form of village representing the Joseon Dynasty, came into conflict with a new value of the modern age. This study examined clan village's own unique characteristics in the modern age, based on Nampyeong Moon's Bonli Village that was built at this point of intersection. It seems that these unique characteristics of Nampyeong Moon's Bonli Village were aggressive solutions to embrace the new period and also, its physical characteristics help in expecting the value which they tried to defend, to some extent. In conclusion, we would need to recognize Nampyeong Moon's Village as a part of modern history of a clan village, rather than simply considering its properties as unusual.