Title A Study on the Optimal Glazing Units in Apartment - Focused on the Glazing Performance and Heating/Cooling Setpoint Temperature -
Authors Yoon, Yong-Sang ; Yoon, Jae-Hoon ; Hyun, Jong-Hoon ; Hwang, Woo-Jin ; Shin, Jae-Gue ; Choi, Won-Ki ; Mun, Sun-Hye
Page pp.301-308
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Curtain Wall Building ; Set-point Temperature ; Building Energy ; EnergyPlus ; Glazing Unit
Abstract This study focuses on thermal performance variations according to insulating glazing units and the set point temperature. We used the EnergyPlus rating, which is validated by the U.S. DOE. The results are as follows: In the case of a non-extended-type household: (1) The influence of SHGC rather than that of U-factor was found to be relatively high. Therefore the composition of glazing that may maintain SHGC at 0.5 or greater is deemed to be more desirable for energy savings. (2) When the manufacturing method of Low-e glass varies, the influence on the building energy consumption can change. Therefore, the designer is required to understand the composition of glazing in advance at the planning stages of the building. (3) In the case of Low-e insulating glass and Low-e triple glass, almost no difference exists between the influences of such on the energy demands of the building; however, Low-e insulating glass is deemed to be more reasonable from the economical aspect. In the case of an extended-type household: (1) The entire energy consumption increases in this case as compared with a non-extended-type household (2) In the case where a window faces the outdoor air, unlike a non-extended-type household, the U-factor and SHGC all have great influence on the building energy consumption, and therefore the construction of glazing in consideration of this is desirable. Lastly, as the set point temperature increases/decreases by 1℃, cooling/heating loads were found to increase/decrease by approximately 16% representing that the change in living patterns greatly influences on the reduction of building energy consumption. Further comprehensive studies on the influence of change in set point temperatures on the consumption of building energy should be conducted based on the expanded scope such as a block, unit complex, or district unit in order to recommend the method for reducing energy in apartment type housing.