Title A Study on the Evaluation Method of Waterproofing Construction Firms using Fuzzy-AHP Model
Authors Oh, Sang-Keun ; Shin, Jin-Hak ; Song, Je-Young ; Lee, Sun-Gyu ; Kwak, Kyu-Sung
Page pp.149-156
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fuzzy-AHP Model ; Waterproofing Construction Firms ; Evaluation Method
Abstract This research aims to present a method of selecting the optimum waterproofing construction firm through analysis utilizing the Fuzzy-AHP technique along with the help of waterproofing experts including construction site officials and existing Database. The 10 factors are roughly divided into 2 groups. Each 10 factors can be classified as either one of the 5 which are quantitatively measured or one of the 5 which are qualitatively measured. Firm A had the lowest distribution in construction cost selection factor out of the 4 waterproofing construction firms, but the difference was very small. Firm B showed high distribution in construction cost, site management skill and social awareness, but completion level and experience is lower compared to other 3 firms. Firm C had low distribution for every selection factor other than construction cost. Firm D shows very similar distribution pattern as firm A but lower distributions for construction completion level and ability to supply material.