Title Case-based Reasoning Model for Building Construction Cost Management by using Risk Analysis
Authors An, Sung-Hoon ; LeeWoo-Hwan
Page pp.157-164
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Cost Budgeting ; Cost Management ; Risk ; Case-based Reasoning
Abstract Risks, which could not be clear at early construction stage, are considered to estimate the building construction budget accurately. For responding these risks, contingency would be generally involved in the construction budget. However, budgeting is influenced by various elements, such as experts‘ skills and environmental states etc, so it is needed to consider the impacts of risks caused by these various elements. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop the case-based reasoning model to analyze the cost risks by the previous similar cases . This model will help to estimate contingency and to manage the cost risks continuously. The development of process is conducted to apply the case-based reasoning model in order to manage the cost by using risk analysis. The questionnaire survey to experts was conducted to verify the validity of this model’s field application and validation. The results of this survey are concluded that the experts feel this model may be efficient, but something would be complemented to apply this model in actual works. Therefore, it is needed to research the method to retain the cases which contain and analyze the cost risks with object methodologies.