Title An Analysis of the Housing Values by Family Life-Cycle
Authors Yim, Hae-Lee ; Kim, Jae-Jun ; Kim, Kyoung-Hun
Page pp.167-175
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Family Life-Cycles ; Housing Values
Abstract The concept of the housing value could be the motivations and criteria to make a choice of housing behavior of individuals and families. Also, the housing value can be important in terms of the housing supply-plan considering the housing related to the change of values and the change of the families. However, the supply of housing does not reflect at all unique housing needs following the consumer’s values, family structure, family life cycle. So, it will need to be made that various housing supply considering the demand based on changes in the nature of residential customers. To do this, grasp the characteristics of housing values is the first challenge. Accordingly, this study is purposed to analyse the family life cycle and housing values of each family life cycle. This access to housing values based on the family life cycle is expected to be able to provide specific information for the housing supply plan considering the life of the actual residents.