Title A Study on the Aspects of 'Activation of Perception' in Contemporary Minimal Architecture
Authors Park, Yeon-Jeong ; HanJi-Ae
Page pp.261-270
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Minimal Architecture ; Perceptual Activation ; Surface ; Space ; Experience
Abstract Minimalism, which appeared in artistic circle of 1960's, has been tendency with time gap. Critic used the term of Minimalism so that express the present situation that the only formative characters of minimal art, simplicity and clearance, became known in the world. The minimal architecture came out in the social situation of minimal tendency and in the architectural situation that complicated and inscrutable form danced widely. Corporal perception is one among several tendencies that human, disregarded in architecture since 1960's, became important. This is closely connected with phenomenology and found in minimal art. Activation of perception is the architect's efforts for unsettled character. This is achieved through using features of corporal perception. Dialogic character can intensify through endless excitements. So minimal architects expose just as looks change or can show factors that is changing but non-physical through perceptual activation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the housing mobility behavior according to the income change and to predict the probability of upward and downward movements. A binary logit model was used with the data which were obtained by the Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements in 1989. The sample size was 1620 households in Seoul. The results of this study were as follows; the upward movement probability in rental housing or in single housing was higher than that in owned housing or in apartment housing as household income increased.