Title Study of Types and Characteristics of 12th Century Hae Eum Won Ji Stone Steps
Authors Kim, Jae-Hong
Page pp.271-282
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Hae Eun Won Ji ; 12th Century ; Stone Steps ; Royal Palance
Abstract Hae Eum Won Ji was a middle center which placed between Gae Gyoung and Nam Gyoung with management of Nam Gyoung during Koryu period that was needed for King's round and was constructed in 1122 (Yae Jong 17). From recent 6th and 7th excavation, as outer wall which surrounded the outside of Hae Eum Won Ji symmetrically was discovered, the possibility of temporary palace was increased. As it arranged and placed building in mountain, it constructed many step that connected each other by building masonry of 11 steps. Moreover, it has characteristics of building many steps as it landscaped to make water flowing from back mountains to flow around the building. This study revealed that 12th century Hae Eum Won Ji stone steps are classified into 4 types : Frame style, general style, bridge style and interior access road type. Moreover, it classified each steps with functionality, location and structure. Also by comparing these configuration types with major stone steps remains before Koryu period and stone steps of Koryu royal palace, it revealed meaning and characteristics of 12th century Hae Eum Won Ji steps.