Title The Shape Optimization on Free Form High-rise Buildings Under Wind Load by Numerical Method
Authors Yim, Sa-Rang ; Cho, Jeong-Hoon ; Lee, Kyung-Su ; Han, Sang-Eul
Page pp.47-54
ISSN 12269107
Keywords CFD ; FSI ; Wind Load ; Shape Optimization ; Free Form High-rise Building
Abstract Lateral displacement of high-rise buildings typically happens due to the wind load. The control of lateral behavior is one of the very important considering points of high-rise structural design. Wind speed, pressure and flow depend on the shape of the buildings. Recently, the free form high-rise buildings are increasing. But the exact calculation of wind load by KBC-standard is very difficult because of atypical shape of high-rise building. In this paper, to find out the structural behavior of wind load on free form high-rise buildings by numerical methods, using CFD(Computational Fluid dynamics) analysis, the distribution of wind pressure acting on the rigid body are examined. And using FSI(Fluid-Structure Interaction) analysis is applied in order to figure out the structural behavior. In this way, the optimized shape for the reduction of wind load is found and derived from numerical method are compared with the shape of the actual building characteristics of behavior. So, we conclude that CFD and FSI numerical method can be applied effectively to decide the optimized shape of free form high rise building to reduce the wind load.