Title Optimum Properties of Constrained Viscoelastic Layer Damper for Reduction of Floor Vibration in Steel Structure
Authors Kim, Si-Jun ; Chun, Ho-Min ; Lee, Seong-Soo
Page pp.63-70
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Constrained Viscoelastic Layer Damper ; Slab in the Steel Structure ; Vibration Reduction ; Finite Element Analysis ; Damping
Abstract A vibration increases as the steel structure floors are getting longer. As the vibration on the floor of the building is increasing, the complaint occurs frequently. This problem made us to find the way of reducing the vibration. To reduce the vibration, we can increase the structures size (depth and thickness). But the costs will go up and weight of structures will be increased. Therefore, we should be finding the method to increase the damping without increasing structures size. The sandwich type viscoelastic damping device can be applied to the floor of steel structure for reducing the vibration. This device has two advantages according to the cost and construction. Studies on viscoelastic material are existed, but we don't have enough study that predicts the vibration reduction effect. In this study, the optimum properties of viscoelastic sandwich damper is suggested using finite element analysis. Also the model analysis to study the optimum displacement of the viscoelastic sandwich damper is proposed.