Title A Study on the Realism Aesthetic of Technology in Architectural Space - From the ‘Negativity and Mimetic Moments’ Point of View -
Authors Park, Young-Tae ; LeeYoung-Soo
Page pp.135-145
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Realism ; Lukacs ; Adorno ; Rem Koolhaas ; Mimesis ; Negativity ; Perfomance ; Operative ; Autonomy ; Instrumentality
Abstract This study is about the architectural expression of criticism and negativity which have been issued in modern architecture. Especially, this paper shows how the restoration of architectural autonomy in Rem Koolhaas’s works which is the most innovative of these architectural expressions can be accepted cognitively and compares Reality in realism which has been suggested by Lukacs Gyorgy and notion of the autonomy in mimesis in aesthetic of Walter Benjamin and Theodor Adorno. In this comparison, we notice that there is a need between sharing and interaction by dialetic movement from these theories in architectural space. Also, through the analysis of notion of autonomy in negativity and mimesis, Critical expressions by recognition and practice of modernity in Rem Koolhaas’s works can be adopted in modern architecture. Consequently, from the concept of negativity and critical notion, Adorno’s mimesis theory which has been based on Benjamin’s unsesible resemblance can induce dispassionate emergence which faces diversity and chaos in contemporary architecture. Therefore, it can be confirmed that difference and creativity in the space of autonomy is the realism aesthetic of technology.