Title A Space Syntax of Crematoriums in Korea
Authors Seo, Boong-Kyo ; LeeSeon-Su
Page pp.147-156
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Crematorium ; Space Syntax ; Visitor's Behavior ; Control Value ; Integration
Abstract The purpose of this study is to grasp the space of crematorium segmentalized according to the characteristic of each room using quantitative data by Integration and Control Value of Space Syntax and comparative analysis of visitor's behavior studied preferentially. When it is classified into integration, Byeokje, Wonji and Sejong can be classified on visitors' circulation system, and Pusan and Seongnam can be classed centering on corpse and management circulation system and when it is classified into the opening of waiting room and independence through control value, Pusan and Sejong are classified as extensive factor and byeokje, Wonji and Seongnam are classified as independent factor. As a result of the advance research, the visitor's circulation system is circulated through mostly access road, waiting room and waiting room for the bereaved. Also, the various rooms are divided at cremating facilities where was currently opened. Therefore, for the architectural planning of cremating facilities in future, space organization should be done according to setting appropriate cinerator's scale by the prediction of visitors' number, and the location of main circulation system and each room‘s openness-independence at the same time.