Title A Basic Study on the Development of the Technology of Simulating the User's Behavior in the Real Time Manner within the BIM-based Design Process
Authors Lee, Yun-Gil
Page pp.157-164
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Virtual Reality ; Artificial Intelligence ; Building Information Modeling ; Simulation ; User Behavior Evaluation
Abstract This study aims to develop the simulation environment for the performance of human behaviors in BIM(Building Information Modeling)-based designed alternatives. The developed system can simulate the human behavior in the virtual environment which is popular to the game industry with intelligent human figured agent. In this study, we focus on the method of transforming BIM data to the navigation graph for the simulation in the real-time manner. The result is like an add-on module which can be plugged into the commercial BIM authoring tool. In the end of the paper, we test the navigation graph which is generated by the developed module with Raven which is a kind of game engine to perform AI(Artificial Intelligent).