Title An Analysis of the Determinants of the Linear Accelerator(LINAC) Room Design of a Cancer Center Using Delphi and AHP
Authors Jung, Young-Doo ; Seo, Hee-Chang ; Kim, Jae-Jun
Page pp.209-217
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Cancer Center ; Design Phase ; Linear Accelerator(LINAC) Room ; Delphi ; Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)
Abstract According to data provided by National Cancer Information Center in December, 2011, the number of people suffering outbreaks of cancer was 192,561 in 2009, which increased 90.5% compared to 1999 and 6.7% compared to 2008. This increase in the number of people with cancer is closely related to the new building construction and extending buildings of cancer centers for cancer treatment. In addition, a cancer center is composed of ambulatory care unit, inpatient treatment facilities, central treatment facilities, support facilities, equipment facilities etc., and among them, LINAC room located within the central treatment facilities were patients with cancer are treated directly occupies a very big part accounting for 8~10% of construction work costs of the cancer center. Although LINAC room is decided by still more factors than special characteristics of the existing hospital facilities, it is true that precedent studies associated with this are very insufficient. Accordingly, the current study drew and categorized relevant factors in order to analyze determinants of LINAC room in the design stage, and based on this, AHP analysis was made so as to understand the relative importance of each factor. To briefly summarize findings of the study, total 50 determinants were drawn through Delphi technique. Besides, as a result of AHP analysis, It can be said that the importance of items directly associated with costs appeared high.