Title A Comparative Analysis of Acquired Score Records for Pre-certified Apartments and Office Buildings according to Green Building Certification Criteria Revisions
Authors Park, Ah-Reum ; Cho, Dong-Woo ; Mok, Seon-Soo
Page pp.435-444
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Green Building Certification Criteria Revisions ; Acquired Score Reports ; The Difficulty Level of Categories and Items ; Pre-certified ; Apartments ; Office Buildings
Abstract This study purposes to analyze the improvement of the difficulty level by comparing the Green Building Certification Criteria revision as researching the pre-certified apartments and office buildings for recent five years. Since apartments and office buildings are the most popular building types among the Green Building Certification Criteria certified records, this paper focuses on researching and analyzing pre-certified apartments and office buildings, assessed in between 2008 and 2012(July). The Green Building Certification Criteria for apartments was started first in 2002 and revised in 2006, 2010, and 2011 while the Green Building Certification Criteria for office buildings was developed first in 2003 and improved once in 2010. The analyzed researches in this paper figure the number of pre-certified buildings, classified by the each level, among five-year-records, investigate the average scores and the standard deviation from the acquired scores of categories or items, and present the difficulty level of categories and items up to the Green Building Certification Criteria revisions. Therefore, this paper derives comparisons and analysis of the before and after criteria revisions focused on changed the categories and items.