Title A Study on the Planning Method of Public Pedestrian Spaces through Case Analysis
Authors Jeon, Young-Hoon ; Choi, Joong-Churl ; Shin, Doo-Sik
Page pp.3-14
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Public Pedestrian Spaces ; Publicness ; Activities
Abstract This study aims to propose the planning method of Public Pedestrian Spaces. Contemporary society makes a great feature of diversity that respect individual values and rhizome that consist of horizontal network structure. Now places are creative domain for the future and publicness gets new function that makes relationship among subjects, environmental elements and people. These makes a change in perception of public pedestrian spaces. First, we mark public streets down as a spaces for pedestrian's everyday lifes. Second, we recognize public pedestrian spaces as social and cultural spaces, not infra-structure. Third, public pedestrian spaces are recognized as fields of social network. Lastly, Public pedestrian spaces are recognized perennial process. Making public pedestrian spaces are not limited to improvement of specific element. Public pedestrian spaces should be constantly made by diverse subjects with mature civic awareness. Thus this study analyses the process and spatial features of public pedestrian spaces through case study. And this study proposes the planning method of public pedestrian spaces.