Title A Study on the Type and Characteristics of Pedestrian Nodes in Mixed-use Buildings - Case Study of Mixed-use Buildings in Seoul -
Authors Lee, Jin-Kyoung ; Kim, Chan-Ju ; Yi, Sang-Ho
Page pp.45-53
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Mixed-use ; Mixed-use Building ; U.E.C ; Complex ; Circulation ; Node ; Passage ; Type ; Plan Element
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the type and characteristics of pedestrian nodes on Mixed-use buildings through a case study. The study was based on the selected mixed-use buildings located in the center of Seoul and the following approaches were used: First of all, the pedestrian nodes distribution was investigated through the analysis of status and floor plan. Secondly, the nodes were classified into five types by the number of passage connections. Thirdly, the five planning elements for escalator, E/V, horizontal open space, vertical open space, and doorway, which are connected to the nodes, were researched and the connections were classified into five types. Lastly, the correlation between the nodes and planning elements was investigated. Through the study, the following conclusions are drawn: First of all, the node types are divided into five types: angled, T-shaped, cross, radial, and vertical cross type. Secondly, T-shaped nodes have the highest percentage among the types. Thirdly, the ratio of the horizontal nodes and the vertical cross nodes are 52.8%, 47.2% respectively, and the vertical cross nodes have the highest connection ratio with plan elements.