Title Meaning of the Verticality and the Horizontality in David Chipperfield’s Architecture
Authors Lim, Sung-Hun ; Song, Hyeong-Gyu ; Park, Chang-Bae
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Verticality ; Horizontality ; Minimalism ; David Chipperfield
Abstract Chipperfield's architecture seems to be typical minimalism architecture. Simple architecture-oriented attitude and design method also seems to be minimal. However, his architecture is not simple, it is also not minimal. The architecture is rather light than simple, rather expressive than minimal. His proposals seem to be naive, but it is full of paradox. Chipperfield adjustment of the vertical and horizontal flip through the building, creates a mask. The mask, a blank symbol, is a kind of place many other symbols as a place to sit down to. So, regional symbols, even different cultural characteristics, could be captured with the mask. That is the way Chipperfield’s architecture makes unique.