Title The Ritual Process of Royal Funeral Rites of Joseon Dynasty and its Spatial Use - Focused on the Case of JeongJo’s Funeral Rites -
Authors Cho, Jae-Mo
Page pp.171-180
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Royal funeral rires ; BinJeonHonJeon-Dogam ; Gukjang-Dogam ; San’neung-Dogam ; BuMyo-Dogam ; King Jeonjo
Abstract Royal funeral was not only the most biggest accident that made emotional shock to the people and also the important political event. So it needed the strict ritual norm and long time. However the most important feature of this ceremony was the uncertainty of schedule. Actually King’s death was the accidence itself. They could not fix the date beforehand. All process of Royal funeral rites could start at that time of King’s death and it needed the urgent preparation and spatial setting. This paper is on the preparation and progression of Royal ritual ceremony and its spatial use. Also it’s about how they can solve the urgency of process. I have to check and analyse Gukjo-Oreyi(國朝五禮儀) and Gukjo-SangreBopeon(國朝喪禮補編) as the basic law for funeral ceremony and King Jeongjo’s funeral rites as the actual case with four official record books. There were broad discussion for Royal funeral rites and that ceremony needed diverse facilities such as King’s death place(昇遐所), mortuary(殯殿), tablet shrine(魂殿), tomb grave, T-shape pavilion(丁字閣), Sudogak(隧道閣), Yeongak-jeon(靈幄殿), Jaesil(齋室), GilyuGumg(吉?宮), Ong’ga(甕家) and so on. And also some more facilities for the auspicious ceremony(吉禮) of Ruyal shrine(宗廟), SeonwonJeon(璿源殿) and several JinJeon(眞殿) were needed. In this condition, those bureaus of BinJeonHonJeon-Dogam(殯殿魂殿都監), Gukjang-Dogam(國葬都監) and San’neung-Dogam(山陵都監) did their own tasks and sometimes they cooperated together for most important task. It was for the solving the urgency of Royal funeral rites.