Title The Design through Mechanical Engineering/Fire Protection VE Case Study
Authors Heo, Won-Young ; YoonJae-Ock
Page pp.219-226
ISSN 12269093
Keywords VE(Value Engineering) ; LCC(Life Cycle Cost) ; Mechanical Engineering/Fire Protection ; Mechanical Equipment
Abstract Recently, the bigger and higher buildings have become the more complex some areas of mechanical engineering have also become. When a building is being constructed, building structure beams, ducts & pipes and electric pipes can become tangled or mixed-up. Valve Engineering process can solve these problems. The object of Value Engineering (VE) is to optimize the performance and cost of a construction component in a facility. In Korea, the government wants to use VE for large scale building projects. We obtained data about VE proposals from a Mechanical Engineering/Fire Protection Case study that was conducted during five years from 2007 to 2011. The data from 35 cases were analyzed by year, purpose, location and adaptation. There were 252 VE proposals stemming from the 35 cases and the number of VE proposals increased every year. The largest number of VE proposals arose in connection with HVAC. In particular, it was revealed that cost savings related to heating systems were significant.