Title A Study on Applying Environmental Impact Assessment on Large Building - Focused on the Environmental Impact Assessment Act to Revise -
Authors Park, Ki-Bum
Page pp.101-108
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Building ; Environmental Impact Assessment ; Sustainable Development ; Green Building Certification
Abstract Global warming is a large problem that requires new solutions which include environmentally sound and sustainable development on buildings. Despite the regulations to minimize the impact on the environment from the buildings, applying the environmental impact assessment on large buildings is still under consideration by the ministry of environment. Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze the problem when applying the environmental impact assessment on large building and to search for alternatives based on the perspective of related regulations, architecture, environment, economy, and etc. This paper reports that applying the environmental impact assessment on buildings causes some problems which are the overlapping assessment items between environmental impact assessment act and other related regulations, confusions in administrative procedures, and economic loss of the project. This report proposes short and long-term institutional improving alternatives. The short term alternative is revising regulations related with environmental impact assessment items. The long term and macroscopic solution is applying green building certification on large buildings as mandatory, it will enhance the sustainable development, the economic growth on the architectural industry, and the export the assessment system abroad.