Title A Study on the Characteristics Analysis of the Site Plan of Complex Funeral Facilities in Korea
Authors Kim, Jin-Ah ; KimYong-Seung
Page pp.109-116
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Complex Funeral Facility ; Characteristic of Site Plan ; Circulation of User ; Visual Blockage
Abstract Today, Korean funeral facilities are now built with a combination of crematorium, charnel house and funeral. This study aims to understand and find out the characteristics of the site plan of complex funeral facilities in Korea. In doing so, it analyzes the circulations of users such as the family of the deceased and visitors to their charnel house in the complex and explores the degree of the visual blockage between the crematorium and charnel house. The conclusion of this study is as follows; First, the circulation of the family of the deceased has to be separated with the circulation of the visitors to their charnel house. Second, it is imperative to plan the visual blockage between the crematorium and charnel house by natural landscape or artificial design. It is supposed to contribute towards a new architectural planning model in terms of the site plan for complex funeral facilities in Korea.