Title A Study on the Contemporary Memorial Architecture - Focused on the Definition of Memoriality and the Design Method for the Memorial Architecture -
Authors Joo, Hak-You ; JeonYoung-Hoon
Page pp.163-172
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Memory ; Memorial ; Memoriality ; Monument ; Monumentality ; Memorial Architecture
Abstract The purpose of this study is to define the concept of 'memoriality' as the counter concept of 'monumentality', to analyze the characteristics of contemporary memorial architecture, and finally to research the new design methods of this architecture. The concept of 'memorialilty' is based on the etymological meanings of a 'memory'. It contains an inherent nature of human behaviors which was based on the 'remembrance and writing' rather than a product of the monumental construction of something. From this point of view, this study analyzed the characteristics of contemporary memorial architecture and they can be summarized as a mental switchover from dualism to pluralism, a conceptual pursuit of singularity and dailiness, and a consideration for the concept of memorial continuousness. Today, on the foundation of these characteristics, contemporary memorial architecture develop new design methods which could be named as 'abstract materialization of memorial target method', 'negative form monument method', 'perspective space and scenographic space construction method', and 'storytelling method'.